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The Premium-Rx List initially existed on a different server. When it was first moved in late 2002, it wasn't possible to move the old archives in their existing form. As they contain valuable information on premium radios we reformatted them and moved them here.

All Archives created after this first move are accessible via the current List Server - see the Home page for a link to List information.

These old archives have been broken into four parts. Each is available in Adobe PDF format.  

Changes in the originals have been made. All pictures and sound elements have been removed to save space. Some chainsaw editing has been done to remove endless repeats of some emails contained in responder posts. HTML code has been eliminated. Hopefully the essence hasn't been lost! The spelling is the poster's, so take this into account when you search! 

The last Part 4 is pretty rough - the info is there, but minimal reformatting has been done.

The Parts 1 and 2 are about 1Mb, Part 3 about 700kB and Part 4 about 3MB.


Part 1 Part 2 Part  3 Part  4
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Last updated March 28, 2007