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Here are a few links to sites suggested by Premium-Rx list members. If you find a broken link, PLEASE email me!
No endorsement of any listed site is stated or implied. If a list member has a problem with any listed supplier, let me know and they will be removed.
Premium Rx subscribers are encouraged to help build this list. Please email your suggestions. To keep the size manageable, let's concentrate on the best and/or most valuable to our subscribers.

 Parts and Equipment Suppliers

Murphy's Surplus Murphy's has a huge and varied collection of military and commercial radios, radio parts and equipment. If you want anything from the a sophisticated premium radio to a part for a WWII Boatanchor, this is a pretty good place to start looking. Mike Murphy is a subscriber to the Premium-Rx list.
Helmut Singer Elektronik Helmut Singer Elektronik are mainly in the test equipment business, but every now and then they have  top-end receivers, military radio gear etc. For example: in the very near future they expect some Hagenuk receivers type RX1001M. Helmut Singer is a member of the Premium-Rxlist and his website is well worth a visit.
Universal Radio Fred Osterman runs Universal Radio, but is probably best known for his book Shortwave Receivers Past And Present, one of  the most comprehensive books ever written on shortwave receivers. Universal sells a wide range of new and used radios and books. Fred is a long time subscriber to the Premium-Rx list.
Sherwood Engineering Sherwood Engineering may be best known for its synchronous AM detectors. But they also make a range of other products of interest to both hams and SWLers. Rob Sherwood is a subscriber to the Premium-Rx list.
Toronto Surplus Toronto Surplus sells a variety of radio and scientific equipment and parts. They have a large selection of Harris, Racal, Sunair and Rockwell-Collins gear.
Digi-Key There are any number of good parts suppliers. This one is listed here because of the superior service it provides to Canada. Unlike most US-based suppliers, these guys have figured out how to provide 24 hour service at a very modest cost, while avoiding the extra fees Canadians pay for most parcels of US origins. They apparently provide a similar service to the UK and Japan.  Their on-line catalog is easy to use, and is in local currency.
Columbia Electronics Int'l Columbia sells high-end receivers and systems made by  Rockwell-Collins, Hughes and Harris. Parts and sub-systems are also available.
Radio Esoterica This company sells high-end communications receivers and transmitters, as well as test equipment and antennas.


 Related Links

DXing.COM This site is an invaluable resource for radio enthusiasts. Its sponsor, Fred Osterman, is a long time subscriber to the Premium Rx list and an authority on high-end radios.
Collins Collectors Association This site has a broad range of resources that will interest anyone who collects Rockwell-Collins radios. 
Monteria, LLC This company specializes in signal intercept equipment. An interesting website!
Radio Resources Directory of radio related websites and discussion groups.
Military Radios This is a great website with a lot of information on modern military radios, mostly domestic (US) but some foreign. There is also some other info on commercial radios that will be of interest.
CEI/W-J This is a website devoted to Communications Electronics, Inc. and Watkins Johnson radios. It's in the early stages of development and is hosted by one of our long-time subscribers.
Kongsfjord This is part of the KONG DX-pedition page. It has a great deal of interesting information about DXing, radios, etc. This link is to a page that lists data sheets for many receivers of interest to the Premium-Rx list, and some manuals. 
Schematics, Manuals and Info An extensive collection of hard to find schematics, manuals and software info. Includes some Russian and rare European material.
KSG-1300 This website is devoted to the KSG-1300 radio receiver and relevant accessories of the Koepenick (Berlin) Radio Works.

Other Interesting Links

The No-Frills Technical Links Page

This site was suggested by a list member. It is an interesting list of "stuff" related to radio, electronics, hamming, etc. Worth a look!


Last updated March 29, 2007